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How it works is an unofficial map of all Italian Cellular Mobile Phone towers, the Data is crowdsourced and not officialy confirmed by any provider. Every marker stands for a tower: You can change the information it displays under the "Content" Menu.
The tower names aren't official, they are named based on their geographical location. Some towers have custom names set by our contributors.
Location information
Since the location of our towers is crowdsourced, its not necessarily correct. Therefore we classified tower locations into 3 categories, blue markers indicate the towers location is correct, yellow indicates its probably correct while red indicates an estimated location.
Tower technology
Not every tower is configured the same way, different towers may have different bands available. We categorized them into 4 groups, 1 band, 2 bands, 3 bands, 4 or more bands.
Sender type
Senders operate under different conditions with different goals. Most sites are macro sites, covering an area from 2-15 km with 1-6 sector antennas. There are 3 other types we distinguish. Provisional sites cover a area for a limited amount of time. Micro sites which have smaller antennas and cover a small area or a building indoor with 1-3 sectors. Smallcells usually only have 1 very small antenna, cover a very small area and are often remotely connected to a Macro site.
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